photo by SMBaker
Only 16 days into 2011, and I think we can all agree that so far it has been a pretty shit beginning. The past five days have been a mental blur of stress, panic, counting blessings, shock and awe, heartache, and dirty work. The QLD floods have taken an insane toll on the state, and the thousands of households and businesses affected by the floods have a long road ahead to get their lives back to normal. Not to mention the rest of the states of Australia now being ... (here comes that word, oh god, will you be able handle it!?)... inundated. I feel so incredibly lucky to not be one of those directly affected, and feel absolutely astounded and touched, not only at the ability of people to immediately get back on their feet after such a tragedy and start rebuilding their lives, but at the generosity and compassion of the thousands of people streaming through my area alone, to assist in whatever way they can. I once held the belief that humanity was a pretty pitiful thing, and I'm beginning to realise how amazing people can be.
With all that's happened, I managed to vote in the Triple J Hottest 100 with hours to spare before voting closed. I hope by Australia Day (January 26th), when Triple J will be broadcasting the countdown, we're all well on the way to recovery, and beginning to see the fruits of our arduous labour in trying to get Brisbane and surrounds back to the way it was. I can often be heard complaining about the averageness of Brisbane in comparison to more livelier Australian capitals such as Melbourne and Sydney, but in all its old fashioned and simple glory, I do have a soft spot for the town I grew up in, as you would expect. I therefore also hope we use Australia Day not as the bogan-filled drunken write off day that quickly descends into racism, as it is becoming; but as a day of celebration of the good that has come out of this country, the people who do care about the people in it, no matter who they are or where they come from, and are always willing to give a hand. We're not easy to define as a culture, us Australians, but if I could pick something I admire about Australia, it would be the people in it with the compassion that I have seen over the past few days. And I guess that is something that comes out of every continent in the world. Which is why... fuck, people are awesome.
With that, here are the 10 songs I voted for, and hence the top 10 songs I enjoyed most in 2010.
Arcade Fire- We Used To Wait
This song is one of many brilliant songs off the album The Suburbs, also one of my favourite albums of the year. I chose this one as it struck a huge chord with me, particularly in its combination with the 'interactive filmclip' which you can see here if you haven't already: http://thewildernessdowntown.com/
The whole feel of the album, to me, involves the experience of growing up as a kid in the suburbs, which was particularly fitting this year, having moved back home, and with the passing of my grandmother, which in itself brought back lots of suburban childhood memories. The song really drives that whole idea home, the promises you made to yourself in your younger days, the stress-free easy life of back then, in comparison to the present, the hectic bustle of adulthood and the regrets of having not done what you promised to achieve. It's an excellently crafted song, as part of an equally crafted album.
Caribou- Odessa
This song actually fucking creeped the fuck out of me for a good long while. It's very dark and eerie but also energetic and catchy... in a kind of confusing, odd way. I had heard a fair bit of Caribou's earlier stuff long ago, hadn't formed much of an opinion on it, and had since forgotten about him/them. Then he releases this craziness and I can't get it the hell out of my earwormed brain. To meet it really sounds like something from a sharp nightmare, and it seriously was one night when I accidently turned on my stereo on the middle of the night by falling on the remote, and this song came on. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
It's beautiful and ugly at the same time, and not appropriate for walking to the train station from work on a dark late night. I warned you.
Gorillaz- Stylo (feat. Bobby Womack and Mos Def)
My favourite song off Plastic Beach, as I may have already stated, is probably Empire Ants (feat. Little Dragon), but as that song has no chance of reaching anywhere in the countdown, and this one is a little more radio friendly, I thought I'd go with this. I really love Bobby's vocals, the driven beat, and even the really odd subtle "juicccccccccccce". As a first single from the album, I think it stands up really well, coupled with the Bruce Willis cheesy filmclip. And as every song in this countdown usually does, I couldn't get it out of my head for at least a week.
LCD Soundsystem- Home
James Murphy of LCD's new (and supposedly last?) album This Is Happening is probably well stated to be not his best, but is still pretty excellent, and it was difficult for me to choose a favourite. Drunk Girls was a little too North American Scum/Time to Get Away/Daft Punk is Playing At My House-esque to be a favourite, I Can Change is sweet and catchy but a little too repetitive, as is Dance Yrself Clean (to repetitive to be a favourite remember! I still love both at the same time). Pow Pow is fun, but the lyrics are to be desired.
Thus! The song Home, is the song I found myself playing singularly the most, and was most appropriate as a soundtrack to many moments of this year, plus is just a really great song. The build up is nice but not too long, and the bassline and cowbell works together wonderfully. I love how the lyrics just build on each other without a defined chorus, and the ahh's of emotion fit nicely over the crescendo.
So grab your things and stumble into the night... so we can shut the door, oh shut the door on terrible times...
Janelle Monae- Tightrope (feat. Big Boi)
This song is so fucking catchy and danceable that if you don't enjoy it then I don't understand you??! It's not often I become so enamoured by a soul/ r&b singer as I usually try to avoid that type of music, but this is the kind of stuff that appears to hark back to the beginning of r&b and what it really meant back then- true rhythm and blues. It's soulful, meaningful, positive and absolutely addictive. The video is also pretty terrific: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwnefUaKCbc&ob=av2el. Janelle is a woman to aspire to be, full of power and grit, an amazing voice and some brilliant musicianship behind her. Whether we high or low, we gonna get back up. APPROPRIATE MESSAGE JANELLE (erm, Big Boi).
Deerhunter- Desire Lines
Deerhunter's latest Halycon Digest is another amazing favourite of the year for me. Again it was hard to pick a favourite as basically every song is a delicious slice of cheesecake for my ear mouths. Desire Lines stand out for me as a sweet reminiscent ballad, with a nifty chorus that satisfyingly stuck around in my head (um, ear stomachs? analogy over!!) for many days. After its initial chorus-verse-chorus, the song morphs into a mad, quickening guitar riff that builds and builds, sucking you in until the end. I really enjoy Deerhunter's tendency to layer and section their songs, so that the beginning of the song is something very different to the middle and the end. This song captures that, without being too complex or inaccessible. Hipster/indie as they are, I think Deerhunter are one of the best bands around at this present time currently during this life period.
Sleigh Bells- Rill Rill
Sleigh Bells are an interesting musical group. When I first expressed my interest of them, a friend thought it very odd I should like them, and rightly so, as they are very in-your-face and kind of harsh in a 'ok, had enough, back away, back away!' manner. They are a band I have learnt to somewhat enjoy however, as their music is quite unlike anything I have heard before, and I appreciate how they try to be different in a 'don't give a crap about what people think' way. (and despite that the indie kids love them anyway!)
This song however, is a stark contrast to the rest of their catalogue and to me the best song on the album. It is a much gentler tune, that travels along sweetly and lazily, and picks you up and pleasures you repeatedly. Its light pace and simple acoustic strumming rhythm makes it a very fitting lazy summer song, along with the harshly whispering 'ah''s and tongue in cheek lyrics of typical teenage thought patterns. It would have been appropriate, had this summer been so far at all lazy. As it is what it should have been, so it makes my list.
Kyü- Pixiphony
This is a recent, last minute addition.. I had heard this vocally complex song many times over the past few months but never figured out who sang it, despite many Shazam attempts. Finally I figured it out (oh! the joy that finding out the name of a song brings) and found it and realised I had to vote for it. I have really little idea who Kyü is or what their thing is all about (except that they're from Sydney, nice), but based on this song, haunting, tribal and amazing in its simplicity, they appear to be something that makes you sit up and take notice. The radio edit is only about 2 minutes long, but short and sweet in the way that most classic songs are, and more songs perhaps should be.
The Morning Benders- Excuses
You tried to taste me,
And I taped my tongue to the southern tip of your body
!! For a song so adorable and addictive, these were not the lyrics you would expect, and I was a little amazed to discover them. This song has instant classic branded all over it, kicking off in a classical romantic mesh of violins and piano, tumbling drums, and developing into wonderful crescendos of vocal harmonies. The Morning Benders' album Big Echo is also a contender for instant classic, and this one as an opening track really seals the deal. It's not often that da-dum's and da-da-da-da's can sound sooo good without being even a little bit off putting.
Blur- Fool's Day
Not sure if you noticed??? but I am quite a big fan of the genius that is Damon Albarn and his fellow britpop kings Blur. Hence, as if I am not going to vote for this song! It is a simple, pleasant tune, that brings back the old Blur flavour that is known and loved, very different from Damon's later projects. Admittedly, it is nothing spectacularly out there, but it is catchy and light and it is just lovely to hear the band together again, particularly Graham Coxon's signature guitar work. I doubt it will make it in the countdown, as it wasn't played too often as far as I heard, but I pledge thee allegiance to the band.
Honourable Mentions of the Year:
The Radio Dept. - Heaven's On Fire
Midnight Juggernauts- Lara Versus The Savage Pack
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti- Bright Lit Blue Skies
Little Dragon- Swimming
Most Tame Impala singles
Song I thought was released in 2010 but turned out to be released in 2009 and hence ineligible and disappointing:
White Rabbits - Percussion Gun
I'm pretty proud of my list, as every song has been something I've spent lots of time enjoying and becoming slightly obsessed over, and not something to fill in the gaps or simply that I would be expected to pick. 2010 was an excellent year for music, and 2011 looks like it may be just as eventful, which would be a welcome comfort during such a disheartening beginning of the year. There are so many people out there who have lost so much, much that is irreplaceable, and personally or financially valuable. ... At least, music is something you can never lose, that is always within you, unforgotten, imprinted, that can be replicated in so many styles and forms... that sends a message, and brings comfort, hope and emotional catharsis. I know it's cheesy, but it explains why it is so important to me, and why I think it is important we celebrate it, along with our honourable attributes as a nation.
Happy music day everyone (uh, in a week). TAKE CARE.